Less Time – Less Money
Less Chemicals

Hybrid Salt Water System for Swimming Pools

  • pH Neutral – Less Time Balancing Chemicals
  • Proven Technology using Natural Minerals
  • Greatly Reduces Itchy Skin, Irritated Eyes, Faded Swimsuits, and Chemical Odors
  • Non-Corrosive & Eco-Friendly to Operate
  • Natural Minerals That Are Safe For You, Your Family and Our Environment
  • Easy To Install
  • Easy To Use

Safe for the Pool
Safe for the Planet

The Simple Salt System provides swimming pool owners with a better quality of water, while eliminating daily usage of harsh chemicals such as chlorine and bromine. Traditional salt systems can cause corrosion to the steel wall and top rails. More and more pool manufacturers will not warrant a pool that uses a traditional salt system. The Simple Salt System utilizes salt in a unique way, simply kick starting the process, to provide better quality water which is also environmentally friendly and safe for your pool. It provides a controlled and testable amount of natural minerals, in this case copper, of which the ideal range is between
0.3-0.5 ppm.

“The Simple Salt System has made my pool easy to maintain”

Jackson Family. – 09/21/2019

Ready for a swim?